About Us
The Book Hunt started when our founder, Arianna Panganiban, couldn't find any good books to read during quarantine. Almost everyday since the start of quarantine, she read books atleast 8 hours/day, and quickly went through the books she had at home. Not really liking/having already read the book recommendations of other websites, she decided to make one herself for people with the same dilemma.
Now, two years later, the website has expanded to a full magazine, featuring much more than just book recommendations. In these pages, we have included literally everything you'll ever need about books. Now, you don't have to surf endless websites like our founder did.
If you liked the content of our website, please sign up for our monthly print! It features exclusive articles and book recommendations, and you'd get your favorite magazine in your physical hands.
Now, two years later, the website has expanded to a full magazine, featuring much more than just book recommendations. In these pages, we have included literally everything you'll ever need about books. Now, you don't have to surf endless websites like our founder did.
If you liked the content of our website, please sign up for our monthly print! It features exclusive articles and book recommendations, and you'd get your favorite magazine in your physical hands.
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About The Founder
Arianna Panganiban is a student in 9-Arayat (PSHS-CLC). She spends most of her time reading books and looking for half-decent fanfiction. In truth, the headline in Popular Articles is somewhat a rant, as she is scared to reread the Rick Riordan's books in fear that a reread would ruin her childhood. She also enjoys picking up hobbies, though she stops after mastering them to a level of "decent".
She finds most things under only romance/comedy boring, and almost never finishes books in only those genres. Still, if it wasn't the focus, she'll watch it.
She lives in Pampanga with her family and pet dog, Riley.
She finds most things under only romance/comedy boring, and almost never finishes books in only those genres. Still, if it wasn't the focus, she'll watch it.
She lives in Pampanga with her family and pet dog, Riley.